Cascara Sagrada

Natures Sunshine



Nature's Sunshine Cascara Sagrada provides 780mg (per 2 tablets) of Cascara Sagrada, widely known for its laxative effects. A non habit forming and mild nature has made cascara a popular treatment for chronic constipation. Cascara's gentle action can even be used with small children and the elderly.

Cascara is also helpful for treating haemorrhoids and piles, as it causes large, soft and painless bowel movements.

Cascara's laxative effect has not been shown to decline with repeated use.

Furthermore, cascara has been used to relieve chronic constipation. This ability is believed to be due to the herb's effect on restoring healthy form and tone to the colon. Cascara has been shown to stimulate bile production and is beneficial for digestive problems and liver problems, particularly enlarged liver.

SKU: NS010

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